Wednesday, May 4, 2011

 Far be it for me to ever complain about my two little "angels" but for those of you out there with kids, maybe you can relate to what we're going through in my house at this stage in our lives.  We've had kids for over 5 years now and it's hard for me to remember what it was like to have the privacy and comfort of knowing that someone wasn't going to blast through your bedroom door like they were a swat team on a coke bust.  I realize that after 9 years of marriage, our house doesn't exactly resemble Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras but it would be nice that when, and if, the opportunity arises for some sweet P in the V, we didn't have to race to the finish line like Lance Armstrong on HGH.  Now I'm down for mixing it up just as much as the next guy but having to use your bathroom as the primary venue for our weekly trysts isn't exactly as glorious as it sounds.  At this point, we either need to have a couch installed in the commode or replace the granite sink basins with leopard print pillow top. 


  1. Try dating and having 3 kids. I move alot of furniture... that's what all the noise is.... Remember God invented locks on the bedroom door for a reason.... I am lucky my kids know they are not permitted in my room when the door is shut.

  2. I vote for the leopard print pillow top. You can totally sell Colleen on that, I'm sure!

  3. LOL. Ok I admit I was a little nervous to read this. I knew it was coming. Oh, and Michelle there is no lock on the bedroom door. Note to self - get one asap!

  4. Maybe you could try tying a ribbon on the door knob, or get one of those do not disturb signs from a hotel. Bob and I sneak up to my room when the kids are downstairs watching tv or playing. Locks are essential. But I have to say, the bathroom is fun too...
